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18 Jan

I have taken quite an interest in playing around with different colours lately, simply because it brightens up my day, just like children will do when filling in the black outlined colouring book pages with what they might think works best for them in the way a combination of colours mixed nicely together on a palette an artist might utilize to create upon a whim a work of great interest in itself when it can often be both admired & studied at length for many a long year as many people will do when frequenting a museum or library of any type that is available to any & all.

During the past decade alone, I have been noticing an ever growing number of people who seem to be experiencing what many call the Winter Blues, and mainly because they are struggling to hold down jobs at this tricky time of year in which many work outdoors as a chosen career and they often feel out of sorts when trying to find a way to make ends meets for their needy families.

I have been experimenting with a lots of pastel shades lately, even though they are normally used by most during the Spring, which I have been noticing has been taking a heck of a long time in coming about for us where I live in our part of the world, as opposed to the way in which I used to be able to sit outside in the grass playing around in the dirt looking for bugs and picking a flower or two, or even go swimming upon a whim in a natural quarry, in the middle of March, believe it or not, but those days are now long gone.

The Windows Live Messen assortment of hues works great for me with respect to me being able to utilize them in creating new shades for not only the added appeal to my own eye but also for incorporating into my own business schemes I have on the go. I really like the Twilight default shade for it is a softer hue of what I would name Periwinkle which is a combo of blue & purple, but that be only my own opinion alone (haha).

Button Pushing Winter Array

Button Pushing Winter Array

When I was a little kid, my fave Crayola was the vermillion and I especially love to experiment with the oil pastels they offer which are manufactured in Korea and are very cheap in Canada (approx $5.00 for a package of around a dozen or so), and I really love the brilliance of the blood orange hue in itself for Mel & Anthony themselves tagteamed in an effort to butt in the way of mentoring me in this regard alone, along with the terracotta earthy warm shades I have been toning down with the feature that is offered as a leading cutting edge in Messen.

I suggest a lighter & softened in the way it does not glare back at you kinda pastel palette if you ever feel down & out on any given day and think about giving Winter the Jon and allow them to take their course simply by doing what you will with them at your own whim to brighten your gloomy day for this be the real Bounty with regard to button pushing, after all that be said & done, no doubt.


17 Jan

I awoke at around 7:30 a.m. yesterday, after sleeping quite soundly, as I most normally would do, enjoying the silence prior to that after the installation of the new intersection’s lights kitty corner to the North of me just recently, for the very 1st time since I have lived here since the early 70’s and have been visiting this home since the day that I was born to my parents,  who both lived here at the time in the home my grandmother was operating as a homeowner of this humble abode that was not new to it, meaning that other people owned it before her, dating back to only God knows when, for I sIMPlie have not bothered to delve into that aspect ALONE meaning I really don’t give a damn because it is only 4 walls as far as I’m concerned, in all REALITY.

But getting to what I really want to express a liking to today is how I was suddenly startled awake this morning after the dead stillness out there in during a somewhat busy time of the morning in general for most people who are up and about carrying on activities like getting their children ready for school along with their own selves in getting ready for work or preparing lunches and outfits for their dearly loved family members. I was very disturbed by the idea alone that I heard some idiots aka morons aka cretins (same thingyMAjigPIG) actually jumpin’ the gunny at full steam ahead, guns a’blazing and I am quite tickarOOed by this in itself for not only have they been taking out their frustrations after the weekend out on innocent bystanders ALONE but they are also cutting in & out along the edges of the lanes and often so closely that any pedestrian a little too close to the edge of the walks & even where the newest edges jutting out that stoop down for wheelchair access that were put there for the reason to assist us all have actually become A DEATH TRAP. How I have assumed this merely upon only a few second or two glimpses from taking a quick walk outside &/or perking an ear or two around is “only YOUR GUESS” ALONE.

LOVE will grow & multiply when you give it your ALL

LOVE will grow & multiply when you give it your ALL

Now, on a brighter note, but along the same lines of cutting into a day unnecessarily in an angst or through SHELL SHOCK ALONE in order to make due on following through as a team effort to eliminate simple every day frustrations every-day kinds of people often feel yet are unable to pinpoint and remedy by themselves until someone else as an outsider can actually voice it for them would be a great concept in itself, for example, how I noticed upon arrival at my stoop that very same day the see-thru pink bagged local newspaper The Hamilton Spectator with its great new layout & topic spread that really caught my eye indeed before finally falling asleep like a little baby while coddling li’l wee Christopher Lee, the baBE in my womb belonging to both Blair Ashbaugh and I after reading the outside of the PINK PACKAGE “alone” of The Sign of Four where it shows the guy in the white-squared leggings looKING @ THE BEHIND OF THE LADY GIVING IT TO THE FELLOW ON THE RIGHT be a dead give-away indeed with regards to being envied when the local hardworking sluggers carrying the mitten for the papier rollies are not so burdened down altogether ALONE in their every-day drudgery dragging their butts around having to deliver so much confusion packaged into one that not even a person like me who is a zippity doodidah writer & reader could not even finish alone in one day in a wonderful step in the right direction in an effort to eliminate these go-getters from tromping on anyone else’s toes at the end of their shift after lugging baggage & old news behind.

Patted Down Sonic Hedgehogs

Patted Down Sonic Hedgehogs


21 Aug

Most people do not even an inkling what they are, or just have a vague overview of them while choosing to ignore their meaning altogether.

I myself coveted Item 3 of this blog yesterday, and actually for the very 1st time in a very long time when I stated in a regular tone & intonation JESUS CHRIST to myself while I was in my house working all day, reason being that I am fed up with having my buttons pushed by pissants day in & day out for absolutely no reason whatsoever other than them doing this out of evil nature alone and out of greed & envy for what does not belong to them, while beating on me for their own mistakes they have made in life.

As I often find myself having stuff planted right at my feet & right when I need it the most, I found this sheet of paper that appeared to be fresh off the press (so to speak) about a week ago when I made my way back with some office chattels & resource materials I purchased at the used store that the kind Blackfoot in origin saleslady who was operating the cash register sold me for my office & media centre I run from my home for work-at-home business endeavours, just as I was about to visit the nice Korean lady at the corner convenience store, right where I found it laying in front of, and I would like you to read this excerpt from the page I found over each & every single day until you get the info it is trying to relay to you right & it sets you straight some (and by that I do not mean in sexuality) with an effort to help you to do right (and NOT as you see fit).

THE TEN COMMANDMENTS (Incomplete Version)

(and they are not necessarily in any order)











NOTE: the complete and total focus in the ten commandments is LOVE; unconditional love. LOVE is the development of Godly character. GOD IS LOVE. Focus on developing Godly love. God wants us to develop Godly character.





THEY LEAD ME TO BELIEVE THAT GOD WANTS US TO DEVELOP A GODLY CHARACTER OF LOVE. GOD CREATED MANKIND PHYSICALLY I NHIS IMAGE. GOD NOW WANTS US TO DEVELOP HIS LOVING GODLY CHARACTER; WHICH IS TO SAY THAT WE ARE TO BECOME MENTALLY, EMOTIONALLY, AND SPIRITALLY LIKE HIM, IN TERMS OF LOVE. LET US; prove all things (THESSALONIANS 5:21) BY THOROUGHLY EXAMINING THE WORD OF GOD. First let us examine THE TEN COMMANDMENTS – these commandments are the laws of the love of God which will help us to develop a Godly character of LOVE. (Referance: see TEN COMMANDMENTS). Note: the first four commandments are things that we should do as acts or expressions of LOVE towards God. For example, if you LOVE God, you will not

(1) Worship other Gods (ex, idols);

(2) Make graven images;

(3) Take the name of God in vain.

(4) NOTE: you will honour his Sabbath Day which is Saturday*




POW… to The Moon

15 Aug

Of course! Now I finally get it, now that I see all the photos I have selected from my numerous photo albums and have stuck to the wall before me like a detective might do when they feel compelled to solve a mystery or a riddle of some sort.

It all began during a vacation in Haliburton, I believe, when I took a canoe ride on a lake where I believe the film aka movie Meatballs was once filmed, and you can clearly see a rounded white pyramid shape on the tip of my canoe made by the point of its stern at the bottom of the photograph I am looking at. This particular photo was taken the day before (Aug 31, 1985) the shot I took of the full moon the following evening there on September 1, 1985, when my world was neVer to be the same for me again…

On September 7th, 1985, I visited my friend Robin Jewell at his 36th floor apartment in the 2nd highest building in Hamilton named the Olympia, and he asked me to stand with my back against his balcony so he could take a picture of me with my camera & I obliged, even though I was deathly afraid of heights (my one & only fear I have now mostly mastered & overcome by willpower alone). I posed for him by making a PEACE sign with my right index finger and middle finger spread apart to show a V and immediately thereafter the photo he took with my camera shows opaque white windows that appeared on my photo and it is very weird how Mr. Blair Howard Ashbaugh more or less picked me up out of the muck exactly 18 years later on September 1st, 2003, to wine and dine me with homemade elephant ears he made out of pizza dough and thick juicy porkchops from the Dutch butcher in Vanessa, after which we consumated our 40 year friendship with each other by having sex for the very 1st time on September 7th, 2003, exactly 18 years after I made that PEACE sign… after which we both woke up giggling like no tomorrow, almost as if we had been doing this sort of thing for ages and like it was OLD HAT & SECOND NATURE, LIKE SECOND TO NONE, seriously!

PEACE... there is not other description for it

PEACE... there is no other description for it

Note: There is also the one photo I took of the ceiling of a cathedral or a church in Spain that clearly portrays opposing triangles on its ceiling that contain pictures that appear to be saints in them and it a very awesome picture indeed for it almost seems to glow in its alabaster hued brilliance and what strikes my eye the most about this photo is how at the bottom right corner where the date & time of the photo should be showing in red digital letters, there is only a 11 33 which I find to be an oddity in itself, then when I glance back at the photo I see there is a lady that resembles a Madonna with her head bowing down to the left encased in an ochre hued frame that stands right out & shines above the rest of the framed people on the ceiling, and directly below her there is what appears to be a cute little cherub of a boy.

”What” about Bob?

10 Jul


Zahoor A Sajid. says (10:54 PM):


Hi babe



Ramjet Pitala says (10:54 PM):

Hi nice guy


how r u?



Zahoor A Sajid. says (10:54 PM):


I am ok nd u ?



Ramjet Pitala says (10:54 PM):

me too dear




Ramjet Pitala

says (10:55 PM):



wut u up to?


Zahoor A Sajid. says (10:56 PM):


Just was sleeping and saw u with me in dream , been mising so came on to get u in my arms



Ramjet Pitala says (10:57 PM):

wow; is that so because I just felt you in those spots on me around the back of my head yeah so I must have mastered what this so-called astral projection is about as they used to refer to it as back in the 70s




Ramjet Pitala

says (10:58 PM):



it itches


like a rash so to speak


that is why Italians’ chins get itchy underneath and they like to flick it underneath


Zahoor A Sajid. says (10:58 PM):





Ramjet Pitala says (10:58 PM):

at people they are pissed off at; I just figured that out too




Ramjet Pitala

says (10:59 PM):



it is like salivating dog theory if you have heard of that theory created by German psychiatrists


that is when people sneeze too right after each other


it is almost like marketing tecquniques of subliminal suggestion, as I am sure you are aware of as well



Ramjet Pitala

says (11:00 PM):



now I know why my test from my guidance counsellor in the principal’s office


shortly before I was graduating yet experiencing problems in a few areas except for music, languages & typing of course haha


to see where my interests would lead me for university



Ramjet Pitala

says (11:01 PM):



and it said forestry engineer


I could never figure that out either how it came up with that answer when I excelled at completely different things perfectly in the 90% – 100%




Zahoor A Sajid. says (11:02 PM):





Ramjet Pitala says (11:02 PM):

Because I am in essence like the “log lady” in David Lynch’s Twin Peaks series about the serial killer/evil entity Bob




Ramjet Pitala

says (11:03 PM):



I just figured her out too after being a big fan of David Lynch since I was a teen & Eraserhead came out that I saw at the Broadway cinema where they used to let us sit and smoke weed and hash haha and they had all night movies, lottsa horror & euro films


Zahoor A Sajid. says (11:03 PM):





Ramjet Pitala says (11:03 PM):

what david lynch was getting at there in that series in which David Bowie also starred in and was banned from our TV station from Global in the last couple of episodes for it being way too graphic




Ramjet Pitala

said (11:05 PM):



is that this woman was able to communicate with objects or get feelings from the objects like the piece of wood which can also be a symbol for a pillar such as you said to me the other day… the PILLAR a symbol for a phallus


and the Twin Peaks town in British Columbia is a name that is a symbol for mounds which can also be considered as tits



Ramjet Pitala

said (11:06 PM):



so the cock fucks the tits, understand, and the woman was receiving messages from the wood, the “woody” so to speak about the evil demon that was inside of the father of Laura, the poor girl that he murdered



Ramjet Pitala

said (11:07 PM):



because the demon of Bob got inside of the man that was her father and he began to prey on all her young girlfriends too


the film was made instead with David Bowie in it



Ramjet Pitala

said (11:08 PM):



in place of the last couple of episodes that were supposed to have aired on television


it was also very graphic but will clearly explain how the mind of the man and the demon inside of him works, clear cut


OPPositioning Revampment

9 Jul


ricardo says (11:57 AM):


How are you doing, do you have put on a picture of a girl sucking on something or waht?



Ramjet Pitala says (12:01 PM):

No kidding; it reflects the white-trash slavery running rampant in our flock; I find 50% of families have this way of thinking & it must be changed



ricardo says (12:03 PM):


You sound like a retoric teacher, are you mad at something



Ramjet Pitala says (12:04 PM):

yes as I have a big BEEF okay as I have been victimized and maimed consistently since childhood by various monsters such as these at different point in my life after I worked tooth and nail for my life for over 30 years, Ricardo




Ramjet Pitala

says (12:05 PM):



this is an abomination in my eyes that our society has allowed this to happen right before their eyes without taking notice to the grave implication that white slavery is taking over here in this country



Ramjet Pitala

says (12:07 PM):



it is very difficult for me to keep a straight face at the moment so to speak so I am practising healthy means to quell my anger at the moment


I practise in particular “chess” moves without moving pieces


by planning carefully every move I am making well in advance



Ramjet Pitala

says (12:08 PM):



I have only played chess a few times in my life actually but after I found the story of Bobby Fischer from Feb 20 Toronto Sunday Sun


I was vaguely amused how this guy is so much similar to myself haha



Ramjet Pitala

says (12:09 PM):



with regards to this paragraph in the excellent story – full page spread too


anyway, in the paragraph states


ricardo says (12:09 PM):


Tke it easy you are fast as fuck on the keyboard i bearly can keep up reading!



Ramjet Pitala says (12:10 PM):

“Fischer forfeited the first couple of games — then rebounded to annihilate Spassky — whose eccentricity was being the essence of decency and showing gentlemanly behaviour. He became a true friend and admirer of Fisher (even though their respective home countries were at war with each other & had completely different viewpoints)


k i will shut up now haha



A1 Tips For Mysogynist Pleezers

5 Jul

(excerpts of which have been copied from “The Pleasers: Women who can’t say NO and the men who control them” by Dr Kevin Leman, 1987), as follows:

The misogynist has the overwhelming need to control, and his chief weapons are words and moods. He may physically abuse you, but he is far more likely to specialize in psychological battery, which can be just as destructive as physical blows, if not more so. If you suspect you are getting “mysogynized” by anyone (Edith Carolyn Kuechen is stressing here, as this applies to both genders, not only men, in my opinion), here are some key signs:

They believe it is their right to control you and in trying to please them you may have decided to give up activities or people you felt were important to you just to keep life smooth.

They put you down and either “blow their top” or turn to ice when you disappoint them. You do a lot of “walking on eggs”, always trying to think of the right thing to do or say, so they won’t be upset.

They can be Jekyll-and-Hyde types – charming and even affectionate one moment and mean and unbelievably abusive the next. This may be especially true if they are users of alcohol or drugs. When you’re not walking on eggs you’re on pins and needles – confused, scared, feeling inadequate and no good.

In one area, however, you feel no uncertainty or confusion. There is never any doubt about who is always to blame for whatever has gone wrong, has seemed to go wrong, or what might go wrong. YOU are, period (but “only” in a mysogynist’s eyes, of course, or so Edith CK thinks anyway).

They may be very jealous and possessive, not wanting you to get out much, always wanting you at home and handy to do their bidding. One way they might show their possessiveness is to be great gift-givers. When a person places a high value on security, the controller will keep them nicely in line with lots of gifts. The controller uses gifts to keep the balance of power in their favour. They do not let their partner spend much money at their own discretion, but they lavish gifts upon the ones they are controlling, spending money  as they see fit.

They speak with anger and disrespect abiout other people including their loved ones, family and sexual partners, as well as team players like coworkers and comrades (I have also noticed), as well as expartners that have been a part of their lives. They have tempers that can erupt easily or withdraw into icy silences… for example, after an argument they equate making love with making up, or when they drink, they might be showing you a completely different person even after just a few drinks. They must win in sports, business and in love. They often complain that their employer or supervisors don’t know  what they are doing. They usually get their way in deciding where and when you’ll eat, where you’ll go, and what you’ll do PLUS change their minds frequently after making specific plans with you… hence, a controller.


Note: I have slightly edited the content of the stuff I copied*

*from the doctor who wrote the above as I saw fit


27 Jun

Speaking from a barren, hardworking taxpayer’s point of view who is now on the Ontario Disability Program after having been bashed, beaten, raped & pillaged as well as robbed of my legal right to bear children by very abusive individuals in this supposedly free country of Canada in which I was born, raised & still dwell, I have not been granted the opportunity to have a chance to have my own children, yet the criminals who hurt me are allowed to from what I have been hearing & seeing around me, and they do not even care about their own offspring let alone want anything to do with them, for that matter, so I have now been finding myself in the position of caring for their ever-growing numbers of “outcasts” I am labelling as such for it appears to me as if they are generally considered as material to be “cast into the wind”, so to speak.

I find it appalling how human beings find it so easy to screw like barn cats (no explanation necessary), yet pay little heed to the consequences facing them down the road when they find themselves “knocked up” & knocking on other people’s doors asking for help, or even just leaving their babies behind on our doorsteps.

What is the world coming to when common citizens are taking care of others' unwanted children

What is the world coming to when common citizens are taking care of others' unwanted children

According to the Council of Conservative Citizens in June of 2008, a staggering 46% of children available for adoption were black, despite blacks making up only 13% of the population. I have not checked where the statistics stand at the moment, 3 years after the fact, but I can be most sure they are substantially higher than what I have posted here.

After all that has been said & done, along with how advanced we have become technologically & scientifically, it is very saddening to see we have made absolutely no progress in this department with the exception of those of us increasing in number who have taken upon ourselves the difficult and harrowing task of carrying the burden upon our own shoulders to pick up the load in providing a safe, serene & loving environment for these kids in order to give them a chance at having the good life each & every single one of us deserve to have since the moment we are not only born but also conceived into this world.

In my opinion, the devil’s handbasket will soon be overpopulated as well if our laws are not changed with respect to the treatment of those of us who have never had any kids ourselves yet have been paying taxes that include school taxes as well as other monies to help keep the institutions running for “adult” children who cannot even take care of themselves, let alone the babies they are spitting out like fruit pits.

It is just as easy to practise planned parenthood rather than overpopulating the garbage dumpsters

It is just as easy to practise planned parenthood rather than overpopulating the garbage dumpsters

Looking at my situation alone, as a battered & broken woman who has worked tooth & nail for decades without much of a break, with hopes of having a partner with which to raise a family together with, only to end up being permanently maimed, this speaks very strongly about something being really wrong with the picture here, and in my opinion, our government must have more than a few screws loose never mind some marbles missing if they are going to continue to allow uneducated hate mongers to destroy the lives of decent, law-abiding citizens who bend over backwards in helping those who need it, and it is high time everyone woke up & smelled the coffee beans before it is too late.


18 Jun
This is a fine example of someone who refuses to leave another alone, even after you have made it clear to them you are not interested in them but have gone out of your way to be cordial & diplomatic with them enough to teach them a thing or two about the things they have been complaining about. They are persisting on more or less “cajoling” me & I hope this is the correct word for what I am trying to get at here. A few nights ago, while I was studying a very important topic and also a difficult one to absorb and I clearly posted on Facebook that I was busy studying for the next hour & a half or so, what do you think this married guy did? He, at precisely 8:20, when he noticed that I had an update in Windows Live Spaces, or on Facebook, I presume, proceeded to message me & call me sexy or something of that nature, at which time I told him I was studying and busy, I believe, but either way, I have saved all of our conversations with each other, or most of them, anyway, since the time I first met him.
Some people are just assholes (simply put) so don't give 'em any ifs, ands or butts

Some people are just assholes (simply put) so don't give 'em any ifs, ands or butts

Last night he did this to me again, by right off the bat, by butting in & saying “Hi gorgeous”, to which I replied “fuck off”, and he then added “sorry”, to which I did not reply up until today, in full view of the public & my friends:
                                  Edith Carolyn Kuechen
Stop calling me names like sexy & gorgeous off the bat when you can clearly see that I have problems and lead a busy life. I think you are nothing but a spoiled rotten child & if you do not stop this shit, I will delete you from my group of friends


There's a BIG difference between a hungry baby & being eaten alive for dinner

There's a BIG difference between a hungry baby & being eaten alive for dinner


(NOTE: the note I left him is at!/profile.php?id=100000097420045)

The Fine Art of COFFEE CLUTCHING (Intro Level)

15 Jun

When you sign into Windows Live Messenger as Available & you see others there in succession beginning from the top of the Faves & working your way down to the ones who are Available, Away & Busy, on Mobile devices, and the rest of them, including what is being stated in the caption lines, for these are OPENING LINES to incite other people to think & comment, are they not?


Get with the program, bird!

Get with the program, bird!

Also, I like the SHOT GUN, something I invited that I have a bit of fun with. This is when I first enter my password into the Messenger sign in & I’m watching the green & blue men spinning for about a minute or so, depending on how busy things are online with messages coming thru & such (for we must all take these things into consideration as they are all a BIG part of the picture people seem to wish to neglect to see for what it really is thru impatience & greed alone), so when the list finally pops up, usually the people who are online right off the bat will pop up in little square of individuals in front of you, to alert you they are there, but this only happens for a couple of seconds at the most, so I sit and wait like a lion in the bushes ready to pounce with a pencil and paper at hand to jot them all down on it, so that I can form a little COFFEE CLUTCH group, so to speak, of people that can perhaps get together right off the bat and discuss similar interests or issues they’ve noticed have arised in their community or home lives, for instance. They can also discuss things they are doing, like hobbies, school, or work, or even business endeavours and often, if it is agreed upon, private matters or troubling things that might be playing on their minds, and by playing it out online together, they often become resolved so that everything can move on in a peaceful fashion at ease with themselves and the rest of the world, including people they might not be able to withstand, for this is all a part of life, whether we like it or not, day in & day out.


In general, what I am trying to say here is that these habitual practices most people get into the habit of through generations & generations (from my experience & education in these important daily priorities, in my opinion) have somehow lost their meaning over time, and I find in this day & age, because of all the foreign mingling, lack of education and street-smarts and basic coping & survival skills that have not been taught by our parents are causing this to happen, and in the aftermath of it all, this can cause a tsunami of a wave of turmoil in the minds of those who do not deserve to hear & feel the pain of selfish people who cannot wake up & rub the sleep out of their eyes enough to see they are fighting with the wrong people sometimes. So please wake up & smell the coffee beans, as well as pick a rose or 2 in the morning and stop to smell them before you do anything, and if you’re still feeling grumpy, and wanna try & get dumpy on the wrong guys, I suggest you take a quick trip to the loo, as well, or you might just end up like this guy here who seems to be left out in the cold, for some reason.


Intelligent robot in the line of fire by out-of-sorts person getting out of line with the wrong people being helped by a trusty sidekick

Intelligent robot in the line of fire by out-of-sorts person getting out of line with the wrong people being helped by a trusty sidekick

Enough said!


Happy day to all & don’t forget to SMILE*


*even if you don’t mean it sometimes 🙂