Archive | April, 2009


30 Apr
Nice so-called friends I have; so nice that they waste precious hours of their time in duping me rather than just being real fwenz. And I, in turn, waste precious hours of my own time, either in investigating them, losing sleep over them, or by giving my valuable time away, only to further them (in some way or another) rather than giving this time to myself (the time that actually belongs to me in the first place & the time I have now lost when I could have been furthering my own "precious" self). But I guess that’s what the imposter’s motive is – it’s simply to prevent you from achieving anything or to sabotage your efforts in doing so, thus turning you into a loser such as the one they appear to be. I’ve also determined that this is what liars & deceivers do – they efficiently steal your time, thus causing you a great deal of turmoil & a load of unaccomplished tasks. From experience, I’ve always been a firm believer in this self-composed equation: LIAR = THIEF; THIEF = LIAR. It really makes me wonder what these people get out of it, once it’s all been said & done, and the laughs have finally subsided. Do they not see what cowardly lions they are? Is it really that hard for them to be human beings? One of my mottos is that there’s a time and a place for being serious & there’s a time and a place for tomfoolery. People who have no face cannot distinguish the difference between the two, obviously. Hmmm… how would you feel if someone were to "dupe" you? I bet you would have a helluva hard time trusting people, wouldn’t you? And I also bet you would be tossing & turning in your bed (trying to get to sleep), while gloating in disbelief over how you could have possibly been deceived in such a way. Don’t worry yourself too much over it, though. Anyone can be fooled, regardless of how intelligent they may think they are. Do I have to say it again, to all of you imposters out there? I guess so, eh? Way-elle, here goes… GET A LIFE why doancha? ‘Cus if you don’t, you’d better be looking behind your back each & every chance you get, for some day what you’ve been throwing around is going to come back to you, just when you least expect it, believe me this! Didja also know that the longer you hide behind a facade, the harder it will get for you? By that I mean it will become so difficult to be your true self that you will remain in hiding for the rest of your life. I’m actually beginning to wonder about my own relationships in particular & would like everyone to think for one moment about theirs. Does anyone really know a person or do they only see the role that the actor’s playing? And as usual, before I end this useless blog (for I know it doesn’t matter either way what I say here today), I am dedicating a song to this blog, and the song I have especially chosen for it is "Crime Of The Century" by Supertramp. And before I forget to mention this, I can take a joke, okay? I used to be a kid too, & my best childhood friends displayed more maturity than my so-called "adult" friends do now. Don’t forget that I am the Gipsy Queen & that I am already "on to you", for my intuitions ALL-WAYS tell me so, haha! Imposters should taking up acting careers; at least they’d get paid for their abilities. From now on, I suggest they save their "dupiness" for April Fool’s Day!
PS  I will "let sleeping dogs lie"… for now, that is!


30 Apr
Nice so-called friends I have; so nice that they waste precious hours of their time in duping me rather than just being real fwenz. And I, in turn, waste precious hours of my own time, either in investigating them, losing sleep over them, or by giving my valuable time away, only to further them (in some way or another) rather than giving this time to myself (the time that actually belongs to me in the first place & the time I have now lost when I could have been furthering my own "precious" self). But I guess that’s what the imposter’s motive is – it’s simply to prevent you from achieving anything or to sabotage your efforts in doing so, thus turning you into a loser such as the one they appear to be. I’ve also determined that this is what liars & deceivers do – they efficiently steal your time, thus causing you a great deal of turmoil & a load of unaccomplished tasks. From experience, I’ve always been a firm believer in this self-composed equation: LIAR = THIEF; THIEF = LIAR. It really makes me wonder what these people get out of it, once it’s all been said & done, and the laughs have finally subsided. Do they not see what cowardly lions they are? Is it really that hard for them to be human beings? One of my mottos is that there’s a time and a place for being serious & there’s a time and a place for tomfoolery. People who have no face cannot distinguish the difference between the two, obviously. Hmmm… how would you feel if someone were to "dupe" you? I bet you would have a helluva hard time trusting people, wouldn’t you? And I also bet you would be tossing & turning in your bed (trying to get to sleep), while gloating in disbelief over how you could have possibly been deceived in such a way. Don’t worry yourself too much over it, though. Anyone can be fooled, regardless of how intelligent they may think they are. Do I have to say it again, to all of you imposters out there? I guess so, eh? Way-elle, here goes… GET A LIFE why doancha? ‘Cus if you don’t, you’d better be looking behind your back each & every chance you get, for some day what you’ve been throwing around is going to come back to you, just when you least expect it, believe me this! Didja also know that the longer you hide behind a facade, the harder it will get for you? By that I mean it will become so difficult to be your true self that you will remain in hiding for the rest of your life. I’m actually beginning to wonder about my own relationships in particular & would like everyone to think for one moment about theirs. Does anyone really know a person or do they only see the role that the actor’s playing? And as usual, before I end this useless blog (for I know it doesn’t matter either way what I say here today), I am dedicating a song to this blog, and the song I have especially chosen for it is "Crime Of The Century" by Supertramp. And before I forget to mention this, I can take a joke, okay? I used to be a kid too, & my best childhood friends displayed more maturity than my so-called "adult" friends do now. Don’t forget that I am the Gipsy Queen & that I am already "on to you", for my intuitions ALL-WAYS tell me so, haha! Imposters should taking up acting careers; at least they’d get paid for their abilities. From now on, I suggest they save their "dupiness" for April Fool’s Day!
PS  I will "let sleeping dogs lie"… for now, that is!


30 Apr
Nice so-called friends I have; so nice that they waste precious hours of their time in duping me rather than just being real fwenz. And I, in turn, waste precious hours of my own time, either in investigating them, losing sleep over them, or by giving my valuable time away, only to further them (in some way or another) rather than giving this time to myself (the time that actually belongs to me in the first place & the time I have now lost when I could have been furthering my own "precious" self). But I guess that’s what the imposter’s motive is – it’s simply to prevent you from achieving anything or to sabotage your efforts in doing so, thus turning you into a loser such as the one they appear to be. I’ve also determined that this is what liars & deceivers do – they efficiently steal your time, thus causing you a great deal of turmoil & a load of unaccomplished tasks. From experience, I’ve always been a firm believer in this self-composed equation: LIAR = THIEF; THIEF = LIAR. It really makes me wonder what these people get out of it, once it’s all been said & done, and the laughs have finally subsided. Do they not see what cowardly lions they are? Is it really that hard for them to be human beings? One of my mottos is that there’s a time and a place for being serious & there’s a time and a place for tomfoolery. People who have no face cannot distinguish the difference between the two, obviously. Hmmm… how would you feel if someone were to "dupe" you? I bet you would have a helluva hard time trusting people, wouldn’t you? And I also bet you would be tossing & turning in your bed (trying to get to sleep), while gloating in disbelief over how you could have possibly been deceived in such a way. Don’t worry yourself too much over it, though. Anyone can be fooled, regardless of how intelligent they may think they are. Do I have to say it again, to all of you imposters out there? I guess so, eh? Way-elle, here goes… GET A LIFE why doancha? ‘Cus if you don’t, you’d better be looking behind your back each & every chance you get, for some day what you’ve been throwing around is going to come back to you, just when you least expect it, believe me this! Didja also know that the longer you hide behind a facade, the harder it will get for you? By that I mean it will become so difficult to be your true self that you will remain in hiding for the rest of your life. I’m actually beginning to wonder about my own relationships in particular & would like everyone to think for one moment about theirs. Does anyone really know a person or do they only see the role that the actor’s playing? And as usual, before I end this useless blog (for I know it doesn’t matter either way what I say here today), I am dedicating a song to this blog, and the song I have especially chosen for it is "Crime Of The Century" by Supertramp. And before I forget to mention this, I can take a joke, okay? I used to be a kid too, & my best childhood friends displayed more maturity than my so-called "adult" friends do now. Don’t forget that I am the Gipsy Queen & that I am already "on to you", for my intuitions ALL-WAYS tell me so, haha! Imposters should taking up acting careers; at least they’d get paid for their abilities. From now on, I suggest they save their "dupiness" for April Fool’s Day!
PS  I will "let sleeping dogs lie"… for now, that is!

Ode to imposters

29 Apr
There once was a girl named e
Who thought no one was as smart as she
Then along came a spider
Who planted itself close beside her
It then spun a web of lies
Who tooled her to her own demise
And broke her perfect bubble
Who would even go to that trouble
The one that must adore me
 This is an eRHYME, sorta like an Haiku, containing 9 lines, 7 syllables in every 2nd line & 9 syllables in every line beginning with the word "who". There are 4 "who’s" in this effin’ rhyme & I’m dedicating the song "Who Are You" by the Who to my blog for today. And by the way, who are you? WHO WHO? WHO WHO?

Ode to imposters

29 Apr
There once was a girl named e
Who thought no one was as smart as she
Then along came a spider
Who planted itself close beside her
It then spun a web of lies
Who tooled her to her own demise
And broke her perfect bubble
Who would even go to that trouble
The one that must adore me
 This is an eRHYME, sorta like an Haiku, containing 9 lines, 7 syllables in every 2nd line & 9 syllables in every line beginning with the word "who". There are 4 "who’s" in this effin’ rhyme & I’m dedicating the song "Who Are You" by the Who to my blog for today. And by the way, who are you? WHO WHO? WHO WHO?

Ode to imposters

29 Apr
There once was a girl named e
Who thought no one was as smart as she
Then along came a spider
Who planted itself close beside her
It then spun a web of lies
Who tooled her to her own demise
And broke her perfect bubble
Who would even go to that trouble
The one that must adore me
 This is an eRHYME, sorta like an Haiku, containing 9 lines, 7 syllables in every 2nd line & 9 syllables in every line beginning with the word "who". There are 4 "who’s" in this effin’ rhyme & I’m dedicating the song "Who Are You" by the Who to my blog for today. And by the way, who are you? WHO WHO? WHO WHO?

ePIT(omy) of quagmire

29 Apr

‘My suitor was the river Achelóüs,

who took three forms to ask me of my father:

a rambling bull once, then a writhing snake

of gleaming colors, then again a man

with ox-like face: and from his beard’s dark shadows

stream upon stream of water tumbled down.

Such was my suitor.’


ePIT(omy) of quagmire

29 Apr

‘My suitor was the river Achelóüs,

who took three forms to ask me of my father:

a rambling bull once, then a writhing snake

of gleaming colors, then again a man

with ox-like face: and from his beard’s dark shadows

stream upon stream of water tumbled down.

Such was my suitor.’


ePIT(omy) of quagmire

29 Apr

‘My suitor was the river Achelóüs,

who took three forms to ask me of my father:

a rambling bull once, then a writhing snake

of gleaming colors, then again a man

with ox-like face: and from his beard’s dark shadows

stream upon stream of water tumbled down.

Such was my suitor.’


the 7 deadly sins

26 Apr

Flora & fauna, ya wanna? (as Frank Zappa used to sing) hee hee hee! I guess you probably want to know what they are now, those 7 deadly sins of ours, eh? Wayelle……. HERE   WE   GO;


1)    Lust…

2)  Gluttony…

3)  Greed…

4) Sloth…

5) Wrath…

6) Envy…

1)    Pride.



THERE   YOU   GO!!! !!! … … … … …