17 Jan

I awoke at around 7:30 a.m. yesterday, after sleeping quite soundly, as I most normally would do, enjoying the silence prior to that after the installation of the new intersection’s lights kitty corner to the North of me just recently, for the very 1st time since I have lived here since the early 70’s and have been visiting this home since the day that I was born to my parents,  who both lived here at the time in the home my grandmother was operating as a homeowner of this humble abode that was not new to it, meaning that other people owned it before her, dating back to only God knows when, for I sIMPlie have not bothered to delve into that aspect ALONE meaning I really don’t give a damn because it is only 4 walls as far as I’m concerned, in all REALITY.

But getting to what I really want to express a liking to today is how I was suddenly startled awake this morning after the dead stillness out there in during a somewhat busy time of the morning in general for most people who are up and about carrying on activities like getting their children ready for school along with their own selves in getting ready for work or preparing lunches and outfits for their dearly loved family members. I was very disturbed by the idea alone that I heard some idiots aka morons aka cretins (same thingyMAjigPIG) actually jumpin’ the gunny at full steam ahead, guns a’blazing and I am quite tickarOOed by this in itself for not only have they been taking out their frustrations after the weekend out on innocent bystanders ALONE but they are also cutting in & out along the edges of the lanes and often so closely that any pedestrian a little too close to the edge of the walks & even where the newest edges jutting out that stoop down for wheelchair access that were put there for the reason to assist us all have actually become A DEATH TRAP. How I have assumed this merely upon only a few second or two glimpses from taking a quick walk outside &/or perking an ear or two around is “only YOUR GUESS” ALONE.

LOVE will grow & multiply when you give it your ALL

LOVE will grow & multiply when you give it your ALL

Now, on a brighter note, but along the same lines of cutting into a day unnecessarily in an angst or through SHELL SHOCK ALONE in order to make due on following through as a team effort to eliminate simple every day frustrations every-day kinds of people often feel yet are unable to pinpoint and remedy by themselves until someone else as an outsider can actually voice it for them would be a great concept in itself, for example, how I noticed upon arrival at my stoop that very same day the see-thru pink bagged local newspaper The Hamilton Spectator with its great new layout & topic spread that really caught my eye indeed before finally falling asleep like a little baby while coddling li’l wee Christopher Lee, the baBE in my womb belonging to both Blair Ashbaugh and I after reading the outside of the PINK PACKAGE “alone” of The Sign of Four where it shows the guy in the white-squared leggings looKING @ THE BEHIND OF THE LADY GIVING IT TO THE FELLOW ON THE RIGHT be a dead give-away indeed with regards to being envied when the local hardworking sluggers carrying the mitten for the papier rollies are not so burdened down altogether ALONE in their every-day drudgery dragging their butts around having to deliver so much confusion packaged into one that not even a person like me who is a zippity doodidah writer & reader could not even finish alone in one day in a wonderful step in the right direction in an effort to eliminate these go-getters from tromping on anyone else’s toes at the end of their shift after lugging baggage & old news behind.

Patted Down Sonic Hedgehogs

Patted Down Sonic Hedgehogs

2 Responses to “MaKING LIKE A specTATOR IN A PUMPkin snatchPATCH”

  1. thelightningphoenix January 17, 2012 at 6:25 am #

    1st draft, written & typed upon a whim ALONE & unEDITed,
    for the record ALONE 🙂

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