18 Jan

I have taken quite an interest in playing around with different colours lately, simply because it brightens up my day, just like children will do when filling in the black outlined colouring book pages with what they might think works best for them in the way a combination of colours mixed nicely together on a palette an artist might utilize to create upon a whim a work of great interest in itself when it can often be both admired & studied at length for many a long year as many people will do when frequenting a museum or library of any type that is available to any & all.

During the past decade alone, I have been noticing an ever growing number of people who seem to be experiencing what many call the Winter Blues, and mainly because they are struggling to hold down jobs at this tricky time of year in which many work outdoors as a chosen career and they often feel out of sorts when trying to find a way to make ends meets for their needy families.

I have been experimenting with a lots of pastel shades lately, even though they are normally used by most during the Spring, which I have been noticing has been taking a heck of a long time in coming about for us where I live in our part of the world, as opposed to the way in which I used to be able to sit outside in the grass playing around in the dirt looking for bugs and picking a flower or two, or even go swimming upon a whim in a natural quarry, in the middle of March, believe it or not, but those days are now long gone.

The Windows Live Messen assortment of hues works great for me with respect to me being able to utilize them in creating new shades for not only the added appeal to my own eye but also for incorporating into my own business schemes I have on the go. I really like the Twilight default shade for it is a softer hue of what I would name Periwinkle which is a combo of blue & purple, but that be only my own opinion alone (haha).

Button Pushing Winter Array

Button Pushing Winter Array

When I was a little kid, my fave Crayola was the vermillion and I especially love to experiment with the oil pastels they offer which are manufactured in Korea and are very cheap in Canada (approx $5.00 for a package of around a dozen or so), and I really love the brilliance of the blood orange hue in itself for Mel & Anthony themselves tagteamed in an effort to butt in the way of mentoring me in this regard alone, along with the terracotta earthy warm shades I have been toning down with the feature that is offered as a leading cutting edge in Messen.

I suggest a lighter & softened in the way it does not glare back at you kinda pastel palette if you ever feel down & out on any given day and think about giving Winter the Jon and allow them to take their course simply by doing what you will with them at your own whim to brighten your gloomy day for this be the real Bounty with regard to button pushing, after all that be said & done, no doubt.

One Response to “WINTER BUTTon Pushing”

  1. thelightningphoenix January 18, 2012 at 8:09 am #

    Take it or leave it, “as is”, for this is the very 1st draft
    entered “as is” in WordP šŸ™‚

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