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12 Aug


There is only one type of relationship that suits my fancy, and fits me like a glove or a second skin, and that is a give & take partnership.

I am very proud to have formed equally compatible and mutually satisfying relationships or partnerships with people I have met both online & in person, simply because we see eye to eye with each other, practice the same beliefs, and uphold the same morals and values.

When one first meets another, regardless of where they are, it is very important to practise etiquette and diplomacy, by initially acknowledging them & welcoming them, and also, to take the time out to get to know them either by chatting together or reading about what they have posted as well as finding out about their interests and hobbies. After doing so, it is very wise to give them feedback about their accomplishments, for this induces emotional support for them in order so they can feel like they are doing something worthwhile and people are noticing them for it. When one acknowledges another person in this respect, by listening to them and paying attention to them, this alone in my opinion shows the colours of a true genuine person who is caring and compassionate while respecting others and not only themselves.

Also, when one is in a relationship with another, they must stop to consider that perhaps their friend might not be in a good way on any given day, meaning they might be having complications affecting their mood or their health, and we must always stop to think before feeling angry emotions and letting them out on each other that it is just okay to say, Hey! I am not feeling well today or I am quite busy at the moment but thanks for saying hello & I will try to speak with you later, rather than getting upset with the other if they cannot be there for you when you expect them to be.

Mutually compatible relationships are more or less like a see-saw, because one person in the partnership could be in a very happy & energetic mood while the other might be feeling listless and low, and that is the time when the person with the upper hand (so to speak) helps to cheer them up and bring them out of their sad mindset. More often than not, you will find that very same person who was down the day before will be up & chipper (or back to life) the following day, after which you might just be the one who is not in the frame of mind to deal with very much, and that is the time when the other half steps in to help to bring you out of the bad frame of mind that has set in.

It is just like a magnet or a battery, in essence, a truly compatible & mutually satisfying realtionship, for there is always a PLUS and a NEGATIVE. This is just a simple basic rule of life that works in all areas of it, not only in human relationships. The sooner people realize this & begin to practise being HUMAN this world will become a much better place, for this is THE EPITOMY OF MATURITY, spelled out in so many words.

Acme Lovers - created by none other than me/moi, ëCK

Acme Lovers - created by none other than me/moi, ëCK

NOTE: I am very proud to boast about several friendships I have formed with people I have met for the first time both online & in person In Only Seven Days, and in exactly like the same fashion as the Queen song portrays.

OPPositioning Revampment

9 Jul


ricardo says (11:57 AM):


How are you doing, do you have put on a picture of a girl sucking on something or waht?



Ramjet Pitala says (12:01 PM):

No kidding; it reflects the white-trash slavery running rampant in our flock; I find 50% of families have this way of thinking & it must be changed



ricardo says (12:03 PM):


You sound like a retoric teacher, are you mad at something



Ramjet Pitala says (12:04 PM):

yes as I have a big BEEF okay as I have been victimized and maimed consistently since childhood by various monsters such as these at different point in my life after I worked tooth and nail for my life for over 30 years, Ricardo




Ramjet Pitala

says (12:05 PM):



this is an abomination in my eyes that our society has allowed this to happen right before their eyes without taking notice to the grave implication that white slavery is taking over here in this country



Ramjet Pitala

says (12:07 PM):



it is very difficult for me to keep a straight face at the moment so to speak so I am practising healthy means to quell my anger at the moment


I practise in particular “chess” moves without moving pieces


by planning carefully every move I am making well in advance



Ramjet Pitala

says (12:08 PM):



I have only played chess a few times in my life actually but after I found the story of Bobby Fischer from Feb 20 Toronto Sunday Sun


I was vaguely amused how this guy is so much similar to myself haha



Ramjet Pitala

says (12:09 PM):



with regards to this paragraph in the excellent story – full page spread too


anyway, in the paragraph states


ricardo says (12:09 PM):


Tke it easy you are fast as fuck on the keyboard i bearly can keep up reading!



Ramjet Pitala says (12:10 PM):

“Fischer forfeited the first couple of games — then rebounded to annihilate Spassky — whose eccentricity was being the essence of decency and showing gentlemanly behaviour. He became a true friend and admirer of Fisher (even though their respective home countries were at war with each other & had completely different viewpoints)


k i will shut up now haha




18 Jun
This is a fine example of someone who refuses to leave another alone, even after you have made it clear to them you are not interested in them but have gone out of your way to be cordial & diplomatic with them enough to teach them a thing or two about the things they have been complaining about. They are persisting on more or less “cajoling” me & I hope this is the correct word for what I am trying to get at here. A few nights ago, while I was studying a very important topic and also a difficult one to absorb and I clearly posted on Facebook that I was busy studying for the next hour & a half or so, what do you think this married guy did? He, at precisely 8:20, when he noticed that I had an update in Windows Live Spaces, or on Facebook, I presume, proceeded to message me & call me sexy or something of that nature, at which time I told him I was studying and busy, I believe, but either way, I have saved all of our conversations with each other, or most of them, anyway, since the time I first met him.
Some people are just assholes (simply put) so don't give 'em any ifs, ands or butts

Some people are just assholes (simply put) so don't give 'em any ifs, ands or butts

Last night he did this to me again, by right off the bat, by butting in & saying “Hi gorgeous”, to which I replied “fuck off”, and he then added “sorry”, to which I did not reply up until today, in full view of the public & my friends:
                                  Edith Carolyn Kuechen
Stop calling me names like sexy & gorgeous off the bat when you can clearly see that I have problems and lead a busy life. I think you are nothing but a spoiled rotten child & if you do not stop this shit, I will delete you from my group of friends


There's a BIG difference between a hungry baby & being eaten alive for dinner

There's a BIG difference between a hungry baby & being eaten alive for dinner


(NOTE: the note I left him is at!/profile.php?id=100000097420045)

The Fine Art of COFFEE CLUTCHING (Intro Level)

15 Jun

When you sign into Windows Live Messenger as Available & you see others there in succession beginning from the top of the Faves & working your way down to the ones who are Available, Away & Busy, on Mobile devices, and the rest of them, including what is being stated in the caption lines, for these are OPENING LINES to incite other people to think & comment, are they not?


Get with the program, bird!

Get with the program, bird!

Also, I like the SHOT GUN, something I invited that I have a bit of fun with. This is when I first enter my password into the Messenger sign in & I’m watching the green & blue men spinning for about a minute or so, depending on how busy things are online with messages coming thru & such (for we must all take these things into consideration as they are all a BIG part of the picture people seem to wish to neglect to see for what it really is thru impatience & greed alone), so when the list finally pops up, usually the people who are online right off the bat will pop up in little square of individuals in front of you, to alert you they are there, but this only happens for a couple of seconds at the most, so I sit and wait like a lion in the bushes ready to pounce with a pencil and paper at hand to jot them all down on it, so that I can form a little COFFEE CLUTCH group, so to speak, of people that can perhaps get together right off the bat and discuss similar interests or issues they’ve noticed have arised in their community or home lives, for instance. They can also discuss things they are doing, like hobbies, school, or work, or even business endeavours and often, if it is agreed upon, private matters or troubling things that might be playing on their minds, and by playing it out online together, they often become resolved so that everything can move on in a peaceful fashion at ease with themselves and the rest of the world, including people they might not be able to withstand, for this is all a part of life, whether we like it or not, day in & day out.


In general, what I am trying to say here is that these habitual practices most people get into the habit of through generations & generations (from my experience & education in these important daily priorities, in my opinion) have somehow lost their meaning over time, and I find in this day & age, because of all the foreign mingling, lack of education and street-smarts and basic coping & survival skills that have not been taught by our parents are causing this to happen, and in the aftermath of it all, this can cause a tsunami of a wave of turmoil in the minds of those who do not deserve to hear & feel the pain of selfish people who cannot wake up & rub the sleep out of their eyes enough to see they are fighting with the wrong people sometimes. So please wake up & smell the coffee beans, as well as pick a rose or 2 in the morning and stop to smell them before you do anything, and if you’re still feeling grumpy, and wanna try & get dumpy on the wrong guys, I suggest you take a quick trip to the loo, as well, or you might just end up like this guy here who seems to be left out in the cold, for some reason.


Intelligent robot in the line of fire by out-of-sorts person getting out of line with the wrong people being helped by a trusty sidekick

Intelligent robot in the line of fire by out-of-sorts person getting out of line with the wrong people being helped by a trusty sidekick

Enough said!


Happy day to all & don’t forget to SMILE*


*even if you don’t mean it sometimes 🙂



STONE-COLD CRETINS beating bumblers all to hell

30 May

Example A :

This entity says “hi” repeatedly,

beginning  at 12:38 AM a couple of days ago

while my STATUS is showing as BUSY, as follows:














jasi says (2:50 AM):



















I was slightly distracted & unnerved, to say the least!

A BULLY BABY who does not even give 1 a chance to greet their honey let alone take off their cat & shoes
who does not even give 1 a chance
to greet their honey let alone take off their coat & shoes!

To this type of situation, I would show ignorance,

meaning no reply or acknowledgment whatsoever,

because the person did not ask me a question, simply put. 

Cracking out with The Hammer, 2 of the oldest tools in history
Cracking out with The Hammer,
2 of the oldest tools in history


 Example B (from a couple of hours after Example A):

Messages you enter here are delivered to a mobile phone or pager. Your contact may be charged for this service.

…جفااف الورد… says (2:54 AM):



This entity, who I haven’t even spoken to at all and just accepted into my circle after they invited themselves into it just a little while ago, is using their cell phone (which means they are most likely on the road or walking somewhere outside or at a friend’s or family’s place), but either way, they were rude in interrupting me while my status was showing as BUSY and they used a language I do not understand & need to look up in a translator (because that is just the type of person that I am, which is INQUISITIVE & wanting to get behind the answers & meanings to things, which most people should be doing as a consistent daily practice in everything they participate in, in my opinion.


Example C:

This entity began to message me “again” while I had my STATUS was still showing BUSY (and had been for the whole time);
jasi p
jasi p says:
me add skype
me add skype
(F) in all, it is “this” that which makes me really seethe in anger… “sometimes”, and I say this because I have had plenty of experience with this outlandish behaviour coming from adults mainly, from being a customer service rep most of my life and having to multi-task at lightning-quick speeds because the daily duties had to be accomplished within the alotted time-frame most people work in a day, which is 8 hours, with a half-hour or 1-hour lunch and a couple of 10-15 minute breaks.



NOTE: in his caption line he is showing the same type of mumbo-jumbo I can’t understand and he’s using a cry-baby emo face, which in my eyes is a sure sign of trouble, folks!

Full thumby sucky-babe dummy... or should I be saying him a dumby (in this case)?
Full thumby sucky-babe dummy…
or should I be saying this kiddo’s a dumby (in this case)?

Example D:

My Staples’ desktop Part # is 13, so it ain’t bad luck I thought… at first!

After using that & my steel futon for less than a year after purchasing them brand new

then rushing home to put them together, only to bump into my bro, who at that time,

was still on speaking terms with me, and asked if he could help me put the things together

while he was drinking beer (and I was too, of course),

and the side of my furniture that fell apart was the one he was supposed to have tightened

with the Alan-key (no pun intended here) that I had provided to him.

Enough said, folks… for now, because I have volumes full of exhibits of dumb-assed behaviour that can cut into just about anyone’s time plus cost them a lot of extra money they cannot afford, including that of employees, their employers, homemakers working from their own offices, and even your average everyday couple, for instance when their inlaws are steady dropping by unexpectedly (hee hee hee). What else can I say here but people are just stone-cold ignorant, in general, if you take a good look at the stats I have been collecting for several years now.

Mal enfant blowing off steam because slowpokes keep gettin' in the way while sheez handling the sausage-meat
Mal enfant blowing off steam
because slowpokes keep gettin’ in the way while
sheez handling the sausage-meat
*what I would like to give to the people who do these stupid things I have been outlining “just” to demonstrate in so many words how harried our lives ‘can & do’ become (which in fact “we simply CANnot DO because it all gets blown to the wind & shot straight into the pisscan (excuse my French), when we find ourselves having or trying to be forced by these individuals (which they most certainly are, because I am showing from my surveys in statistics & the common patterns of  human-sheep, or so I like to refer to them as), to be involved with them when we never actually asked them to become a part of our lives in the first place when they invited themselves into it right off the bat.

P.S. Before I cut this long-winded blog short (just like I do with these idiots by not even giving them a chance to get any further ahead (which I am fairly certain they are not… not in this life, anyway) I would just like to mention how us hard-working nose-in-the-books kinda slave labourers operate and the emotions we have to succumb ourselves to and mask as best we can possibly do from the outside world, regardless of how awful they are making us feel, because it “just” ain’t right to treat them poorly now, is it? And especially when they are supposed to be treated as our equals. To sum it all up for yooz howdy-doody kinda thumb-twiddlin’ underevolved & never-involved-in-very-much nitpickers, grumps, gossipy goils & gargoyles of evolution, there has been a symbol or two missing from the total equation, but that is only my opinion, of course, so “just” stuff it all in your hat with a grain of salt for the time-being, and as time allows you, you “can do” what you will with it, but don’t come running back to Big Mama EMM (or perhaps she is a wee bit on the thin-side from being eaten alive by sharks), ’cause all she has taken upon herself that she really “can do” is look in the opposite direction and walk away, yet still keep an eye behind her back plus one in every direction at the same time. Yep, I really “can do” that while 😀

SEEING THROUGH the grey/gris areas

25 May



I must go on standing

You can’t break that which isn’t yours

I must go on standing

I’m not my own, it’s not my choice


Be afraid of the lame, they’ll inherit your legs

Be afraid of the old, they’ll inherit your souls

Be afraid of the cold, they’ll inherit your blood

Après moi, le deluge, after me comes the flood


I must go on standing

You can’t break that which isn’t yours*

I must go on standing

I’m not my own, it’s not my choice


Be afraid of the lame, they’ll inherit your legs

Be afraid of the old, they’ll inherit your souls

Be afraid of the cold, they’ll inherit your blood

Après moi le deluge, after me comes the flood


Be afraid of the lame, they’ll inherit your legs

Be afraid of the old, they’ll inherit your souls

Be afraid of the cold, they’ll inherit your blood

Après moi le deluge, after me comes the flood


Be afraid of the lame, they’ll inherit your legs

Be afraid of the old, they’ll inherit your souls

Be afraid of the cold, they’ll inherit your blood

Après moi le deluge, after me comes the flood

The flood

Make sure to see past the grey areas before they make you see red & muck you up

Make sure to see past the grey areas before they make you see red & muck you up


 *my own X “carot in the ruff” not only taught me this

but he also told me this in so many words… GO FIGURE

**AFTER ME Cheekyby Peter Gabriel


When Approached By Marketers

16 May


“I” neglected to remember my own GOLDEN RULE today,

thereby exposing myself to what I have been wanting to avoid.

 Rather than following the steps of checking out a person first, ‘before’ I fall for their spiel

I let this individual put their foot in the door, so to speak,

and ended up having to remove them immediately

because they did not listen to me when I told them I was not interested.

They probably posted the same thing they do on all of their prospective targets…

just looking for a sale, without even getting a chance to get to know the person first,

or even striking up a diplomatic conversation with the customer or the consumer they are

trying to get them to trust in the 1st place to make the sale, if you catch my drift here.

nia_fulford124 says (1:08 AM):

hey cutie

₪ Ramjet Pitala ₪ says (1:10 AM):

Hi, is it Nia, your name? Please do not ask me to look at your photo today, because I am rather busy with a creative project in artwork, but if you would like to send me something by email, feel free to do so, okay, friend?

nia_fulford124 says (1:10 AM):

yes babe the credit card is for age verification, for me to be a premium member and give you free access they have to know your over 18 just click the yellow JOIN FREE button at the top of the page, its 100% free to join

Needless to say, I removed them immediately from my circle

without/sans giving them a second chance to parlay further…

after I laid it on the line, clear cut.

Remember the GOLDEN RULE before you get out of line...
Remember the GOLDEN RULE before you get out of line…

…because “they” are the ones who are out of line to begin with.

The bottom line with me is this ~ if you really wanna make the grade or a sale, you had better back up your beliefs in your product

otherwise you will only be fooling yourself in the longrun. But this is only my opinion, of course. Do what you will with it.

The Elektricky Blue & Neon Purple Numero-Uno Flashlight

The Elektricky Blue & Neon Purple Numero-Uno Flashlight

Chris “Angel”, Where Are You When I Need You?

14 May


What magically appeared flat damn in the middle of my desk today, AFTER I finished busily making the rounds, preparing coffee grounds, avoiding being ground into meat, and cleaning house this morning, shortly after I awoke:

Rocks, Sand and Reality…

A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When class began, wordlessly he picked up a large empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with rocks, rocks about 2″ in diameter. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed that it was.

So, the professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the open areas between the rocks. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They agreed it was.

The students laughed. The professor picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. “Now”, said the professor, “I want you to recognize that this is your life. The rocks are the important things – your family, your partner, your health, your children – anything that is so important to you that if it were lost, you would be nearly destroyed”.

The pebbles are the other things that matter – like your job, your house & your car. The sand is everything else, the “small stuff”. If you put the sand into the jar first, there is no room for the pebbles or the rocks. The same goes for your LIFE. If you spend all your energy and time on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the things that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical check-ups. Take your partner out dancing. There will always be time to go to work, clean the house, give a dinner party and fix the disposal.

The rocks in YOUR LIFE, they're nothing but RIPPLES
The rocks in YOUR LIFE, they’re nothing but RIPPLES

Take care of the rocks first – the things that really matter.

Set your priorities. The rest is just “sand”.


What May Happen When Someone Runs Out Of Pot

7 May

I have heard of being babysat & having to be led to the loo, speaking from the perspective of someone who has ‘bin’ there & done that, fellas, and I felt the urge to jump to a good friend’s rescue today, a Mensch whom I respect to the point where I began one of my new profiles where I am a 5-star dingbat (supposedly) on his birthday, and since he is also named after a certain someone who I spent the longest time together with as a kinda puppy-love bitten lapdog, so to speak, I am showing you a fine example, Sir Paul, of what OUT OF THE POT & INTO THE FRYING PAN is really all about, especially when you really do not have Mary Jane or even the right handle that fits into the palm of your hand like a glove… & you can take that any way you wanna, chaps & girleez!

This is a copy of a magazine I still hold dear to me & keep good care of since the year of 1992, when I purchased this on a whim during my lunchbreak while visiting Farah’s Food Mart, which was then located beside the Hamilton-Burlington & District Real Estate Board where I worked as a data entry operator.



As you can plainly see, your last hubby claimed to be COMPLETELY devoted to you, my dearest Blue bird of the flock, but only a dove will be able to see clearly without the aid of a dovetail joint, or so you Beatles’ members used to put it, that you will only be left out in the cold, in the long-run, just like that Black bird singing in the dead of night, and you’d better believe it, boy!

Other than that, I congratulate you, Sir Paul McCartney, and wish you the very best of luck, and that is why I have been faithfully listening to this album of yours where you so faithfully claim to believe in it, my main man! Either way, go for the gusto, BABYcakes! You only have 1 life to live.

FOOTnote: Li’l ë felt a rush of passionate fire & quickly rushed in to prepare this in 15 minutes (her numero-uno number, by the way), after studiously labouring today, in order to help her fellow man 😀


PSST! Before this bird flies the coop she would just like to mention, if you don’t already know, that she can kill several different types of birds, and all with 1 stone (a)*

*IN FULL view, for the public to see, while I was writing the very 1st blog ever, with my windows wide open for the world to see.

“Don’t blame God for world’s heartaches”

7 May

“Don’t blame God for world’s heartaches”.