”What” about Bob?

10 Jul


Zahoor A Sajid. says (10:54 PM):


Hi babe



Ramjet Pitala says (10:54 PM):

Hi nice guy


how r u?



Zahoor A Sajid. says (10:54 PM):


I am ok nd u ?



Ramjet Pitala says (10:54 PM):

me too dear




Ramjet Pitala

says (10:55 PM):



wut u up to?


Zahoor A Sajid. says (10:56 PM):


Just was sleeping and saw u with me in dream , been mising so came on to get u in my arms



Ramjet Pitala says (10:57 PM):

wow; is that so because I just felt you in those spots on me around the back of my head yeah so I must have mastered what this so-called astral projection is about as they used to refer to it as back in the 70s




Ramjet Pitala

says (10:58 PM):



it itches


like a rash so to speak


that is why Italians’ chins get itchy underneath and they like to flick it underneath


Zahoor A Sajid. says (10:58 PM):





Ramjet Pitala says (10:58 PM):

at people they are pissed off at; I just figured that out too




Ramjet Pitala

says (10:59 PM):



it is like salivating dog theory if you have heard of that theory created by German psychiatrists


that is when people sneeze too right after each other


it is almost like marketing tecquniques of subliminal suggestion, as I am sure you are aware of as well



Ramjet Pitala

says (11:00 PM):



now I know why my test from my guidance counsellor in the principal’s office


shortly before I was graduating yet experiencing problems in a few areas except for music, languages & typing of course haha


to see where my interests would lead me for university



Ramjet Pitala

says (11:01 PM):



and it said forestry engineer


I could never figure that out either how it came up with that answer when I excelled at completely different things perfectly in the 90% – 100%




Zahoor A Sajid. says (11:02 PM):





Ramjet Pitala says (11:02 PM):

Because I am in essence like the “log lady” in David Lynch’s Twin Peaks series about the serial killer/evil entity Bob




Ramjet Pitala

says (11:03 PM):



I just figured her out too after being a big fan of David Lynch since I was a teen & Eraserhead came out that I saw at the Broadway cinema where they used to let us sit and smoke weed and hash haha and they had all night movies, lottsa horror & euro films


Zahoor A Sajid. says (11:03 PM):





Ramjet Pitala says (11:03 PM):

what david lynch was getting at there in that series in which David Bowie also starred in and was banned from our TV station from Global in the last couple of episodes for it being way too graphic




Ramjet Pitala

said (11:05 PM):



is that this woman was able to communicate with objects or get feelings from the objects like the piece of wood which can also be a symbol for a pillar such as you said to me the other day… the PILLAR a symbol for a phallus


and the Twin Peaks town in British Columbia is a name that is a symbol for mounds which can also be considered as tits



Ramjet Pitala

said (11:06 PM):



so the cock fucks the tits, understand, and the woman was receiving messages from the wood, the “woody” so to speak about the evil demon that was inside of the father of Laura, the poor girl that he murdered



Ramjet Pitala

said (11:07 PM):



because the demon of Bob got inside of the man that was her father and he began to prey on all her young girlfriends too


the film was made instead with David Bowie in it



Ramjet Pitala

said (11:08 PM):



in place of the last couple of episodes that were supposed to have aired on television


it was also very graphic but will clearly explain how the mind of the man and the demon inside of him works, clear cut


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