Archive | July, 2010

Out in left field… or is it right?

31 Jul
A little while back, I was compelled to write a letter the very next day after downloading their emos ‘n’ such (against my better judgment, after a good friend warned me not to, by saying that they may be a phishing site) after being prompted to do so by none other than a ‘grandpa-as-good-as-it-gets’ entity in Spaces  does this name ring a bell to anyone? IN NO WAY DID I ASK THEM TO BECOME MY DEFAULT SEARCH PROVIDER so I wrote them a letter with a description of a problem I encountered, which baffled the heck out of me, the very next morning, when I tried to sign into Internet Explorer & FOUND THAT THEY HAD MADE THEMSELVES MY DEFAULT SEARCH PROVIDER. Here’s the brief (heh) description of the problem that I experienced in the form that I wrote in a very quick, off-of-the-top-of-my-head fashion, unëdited, as follows:


Opened a tab in explorer

What was the result:

ever since I downloaded those emos yesterday
every time I open a new tab in explorer
their HiYo’s page opens with something funny in it
it said this morning,
Are you left or right brained?
Then there was a grey square with a ballerina spinning in it
and beside that you answer the question
left or right
Well, I was born left handed
so I know which side of my brain I use most often
the opposite side most people do haha (& that is the right side of my brain, by the way)
the artistic side, so I’ve read about
f*ck (excuse my French! hahaha)
good thing I didn’t answer it yet
because if you people read the question
it says
Which way does the ballerina spin?
It’s stupid if you ask me
because she’s spinning to the left
So why did they ask me if I’m left or right brained for?
Don’t they know there are left-handed people, the silly people?

 You can say that again…

this chick is spun (out)

I think it’s a trick question
like when you do a test
you have to think first before you answer the Q
I’m contacting
right now
before I answer the Q’s
I’m going to ask them which Q should I answer there
the 1st one
or the 2nd one
the dummies (no offense, but that’s how I feel sometimes)
maybe they’ll offer me a job, who knows! hee hee


By the way, they did reply back to me, within about a day or so, saying they would forward this to the "appropriate" department.


And speaking of sending things you need to be taken care of to the "right" MAN for the job  I asked to have myself removed from a group’s mailing list the other day (after I clicked on their Unsubscribe field & I still kept receiving their updates), only to get a reply from their Secretary telling me that I need to click on this, then click on that, then blah blah blah. So I stuck to my guns & asked ‘him’, "If you’re the Secretary of this organization, can you not just remove me from your mailing list?" Way-elle, I guess you don’t need to hear the rest of this, eh?


What else can I say except I’m living up to my rep of being a Squirrely Smart-Ass…

 And before anyone gets the wrong idea & begins to point fingers at me, calling me a liar with regards to me being left-handed nowadays, let’s just say that I’m pretty ambi-dextrous, & I’m just beginning to learn how to use my left hand for everything again, as I broke my left arm when I was around 7 years of age, while taking a running start to vault over some rolled up sleeping bags that my dad had cleaned out from the garage. Since then, I learned to become right-handed & have been using my right hand for just about everything except for sewing; I’m as clumsy as can be with regards to holding a needle, never mind finding a hole. Hence, the reason why I’ve been officially declared ‘right-handed’.

Out in left field… or is it right?

31 Jul
A little while back, I was compelled to write a letter the very next day after downloading their emos ‘n’ such (against my better judgment, after a good friend warned me not to, by saying that they may be a phishing site) after being prompted to do so by none other than a ‘grandpa-as-good-as-it-gets’ entity in Spaces  does this name ring a bell to anyone? IN NO WAY DID I ASK THEM TO BECOME MY DEFAULT SEARCH PROVIDER so I wrote them a letter with a description of a problem I encountered, which baffled the heck out of me, the very next morning, when I tried to sign into Internet Explorer & FOUND THAT THEY HAD MADE THEMSELVES MY DEFAULT SEARCH PROVIDER. Here’s the brief (heh) description of the problem that I experienced in the form that I wrote in a very quick, off-of-the-top-of-my-head fashion, unëdited, as follows:


Opened a tab in explorer

What was the result:

ever since I downloaded those emos yesterday
every time I open a new tab in explorer
their HiYo’s page opens with something funny in it
it said this morning,
Are you left or right brained?
Then there was a grey square with a ballerina spinning in it
and beside that you answer the question
left or right
Well, I was born left handed
so I know which side of my brain I use most often
the opposite side most people do haha (& that is the right side of my brain, by the way)
the artistic side, so I’ve read about
f*ck (excuse my French! hahaha)
good thing I didn’t answer it yet
because if you people read the question
it says
Which way does the ballerina spin?
It’s stupid if you ask me
because she’s spinning to the left
So why did they ask me if I’m left or right brained for?
Don’t they know there are left-handed people, the silly people?

 You can say that again…

this chick is spun (out)

I think it’s a trick question
like when you do a test
you have to think first before you answer the Q
I’m contacting
right now
before I answer the Q’s
I’m going to ask them which Q should I answer there
the 1st one
or the 2nd one
the dummies (no offense, but that’s how I feel sometimes)
maybe they’ll offer me a job, who knows! hee hee


By the way, they did reply back to me, within about a day or so, saying they would forward this to the "appropriate" department.


And speaking of sending things you need to be taken care of to the "right" MAN for the job  I asked to have myself removed from a group’s mailing list the other day (after I clicked on their Unsubscribe field & I still kept receiving their updates), only to get a reply from their Secretary telling me that I need to click on this, then click on that, then blah blah blah. So I stuck to my guns & asked ‘him’, "If you’re the Secretary of this organization, can you not just remove me from your mailing list?" Way-elle, I guess you don’t need to hear the rest of this, eh?


What else can I say except I’m living up to my rep of being a Squirrely Smart-Ass…

 And before anyone gets the wrong idea & begins to point fingers at me, calling me a liar with regards to me being left-handed nowadays, let’s just say that I’m pretty ambi-dextrous, & I’m just beginning to learn how to use my left hand for everything again, as I broke my left arm when I was around 7 years of age, while taking a running start to vault over some rolled up sleeping bags that my dad had cleaned out from the garage. Since then, I learned to become right-handed & have been using my right hand for just about everything except for sewing; I’m as clumsy as can be with regards to holding a needle, never mind finding a hole. Hence, the reason why I’ve been officially declared ‘right-handed’.

Out in left field… or is it right?

31 Jul
A little while back, I was compelled to write a letter the very next day after downloading their emos ‘n’ such (against my better judgment, after a good friend warned me not to, by saying that they may be a phishing site) after being prompted to do so by none other than a ‘grandpa-as-good-as-it-gets’ entity in Spaces  does this name ring a bell to anyone? IN NO WAY DID I ASK THEM TO BECOME MY DEFAULT SEARCH PROVIDER so I wrote them a letter with a description of a problem I encountered, which baffled the heck out of me, the very next morning, when I tried to sign into Internet Explorer & FOUND THAT THEY HAD MADE THEMSELVES MY DEFAULT SEARCH PROVIDER. Here’s the brief (heh) description of the problem that I experienced in the form that I wrote in a very quick, off-of-the-top-of-my-head fashion, unëdited, as follows:


Opened a tab in explorer

What was the result:

ever since I downloaded those emos yesterday
every time I open a new tab in explorer
their HiYo’s page opens with something funny in it
it said this morning,
Are you left or right brained?
Then there was a grey square with a ballerina spinning in it
and beside that you answer the question
left or right
Well, I was born left handed
so I know which side of my brain I use most often
the opposite side most people do haha (& that is the right side of my brain, by the way)
the artistic side, so I’ve read about
f*ck (excuse my French! hahaha)
good thing I didn’t answer it yet
because if you people read the question
it says
Which way does the ballerina spin?
It’s stupid if you ask me
because she’s spinning to the left
So why did they ask me if I’m left or right brained for?
Don’t they know there are left-handed people, the silly people?

 You can say that again…

this chick is spun (out)

I think it’s a trick question
like when you do a test
you have to think first before you answer the Q
I’m contacting
right now
before I answer the Q’s
I’m going to ask them which Q should I answer there
the 1st one
or the 2nd one
the dummies (no offense, but that’s how I feel sometimes)
maybe they’ll offer me a job, who knows! hee hee


By the way, they did reply back to me, within about a day or so, saying they would forward this to the "appropriate" department.


And speaking of sending things you need to be taken care of to the "right" MAN for the job  I asked to have myself removed from a group’s mailing list the other day (after I clicked on their Unsubscribe field & I still kept receiving their updates), only to get a reply from their Secretary telling me that I need to click on this, then click on that, then blah blah blah. So I stuck to my guns & asked ‘him’, "If you’re the Secretary of this organization, can you not just remove me from your mailing list?" Way-elle, I guess you don’t need to hear the rest of this, eh?


What else can I say except I’m living up to my rep of being a Squirrely Smart-Ass…

 And before anyone gets the wrong idea & begins to point fingers at me, calling me a liar with regards to me being left-handed nowadays, let’s just say that I’m pretty ambi-dextrous, & I’m just beginning to learn how to use my left hand for everything again, as I broke my left arm when I was around 7 years of age, while taking a running start to vault over some rolled up sleeping bags that my dad had cleaned out from the garage. Since then, I learned to become right-handed & have been using my right hand for just about everything except for sewing; I’m as clumsy as can be with regards to holding a needle, never mind finding a hole. Hence, the reason why I’ve been officially declared ‘right-handed’.


27 Jul
This mother hen’s beginning to think that
what’s good for the goose is good for the gander
never mind Mother Goose’s parodies!
The following dialogue contains excerpts from the ongoing play I’ve been writing:


you havent been online 


oh, I guess you could say I’ve been busy proving a point

(short break then onto another topic) 


The Groper (my more-often-than-not & how-tipsier-can-you-get so-called best-friend & maid-of-honour) used to call me chubby

referring to my arms

when I was a bit overweight

I was not happy about that


makes me laugh


but I never punched her or anything with those chubby arms of mine

I used to have to buy size large shirts

because my arms wouldn’t fit thru the sleeves

seems like the only place the cellulite goes in my body when I get overweight

is in my upper arms

and my tits ‘n ass, of course!

but that I do like hee hee hee




always the joker, huh?


did u have a good night last night?


yes – it was fahbooluss

for a change

I had an awesome evening all the way around

very happy about it


cool glad u had a good time


I was up at 3:20 this morn

after I abruptly was awoken…

shaking myself out of it

from dreaming that I was being

stabbed in the back

and wouldn’t you know it,

when I turned my computer on

the first thing I saw was that someone had (haha)

by telling one of my so-called faceless online friends

not to worry because Li’l ë is usually fast asleep

while Out In Lah-Lah Land* is up ‘n about, chatting like a maniac.


i read that this morning


would you want to have a friend like this (who is out in Lah-Lah Land) & doesn’t know about OLE (OnLine Etiquette) by now?


Gee whiz! You know how I detest gossipers, but I just thought I’d try to get "in" with the in-crowd for a change, is awl!



I coined a new word today for online chat lingo

it’s FOF

(for Faceless Online Friend)



*the twit who owes me a PA (Public Apology)




She gave good sunflower



STOP lettuce ladies from being nabbed

26 Jul

Jordanian police nab lettuce lady during protest…


(Sun Jul 25, 1:21 PM)

By The Associated Press

 AMMAN, Jordan – An animal rights activist has caused a stir in Jordan’s capital by covering herself in lettuce in a quirky attempt to persuade Middle Eastern meat lovers to go vegetarian.

Crowds quickly gathered to gawk at the lettuce lady, but police were not amused.

Officers briefly arrested the Jordanian activist, Amina Tarek, and a colleague from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

The pair stood in a square along one of Amman’s trendiest streets and held a placard reading "Let vegetarianism grow on you."

Tarek says she wanted Jordanians "to turn over a new leaf."

Police held them for three hours, saying they had not obtained permission for Sunday’s protest. The activists say they had approval.

 I’ll have a chomp outta that  while I’m waiting for the air to clear so I can purchase some salad dressing if I may! CRUNCH!!!


25 Jul
In 2006, McDonald’s changed the design of their McFlurry containers to be more hedgehog-friendly.
Previously, hedgehogs would get their heads stuck in the container as they tried to lick the remaining food from inside the cup. Then, being unable to get out, they would starve to death. Domesticated hedgehogs display this behavior by getting their head stuck in tubes (commonly, lavatory paper tubes) and walking around with the tube on their head. Hedgehog owners often refer to this as "tubing" and promote the behavior by supplying clean tubes. Most owners are considerate enough, however, to cut the tubes lengthwise so as to prevent the hedgehog from remaining trapped against their will. Curiously though, some will still knowingly get themselves stuck for a few hours.
the above excerpt can be found in Wikipedia


22 Jul
Seeing as how it’s one of those ass-in-the-air kinda days, & rather than taking anything for this mega migraine I have for probably the very 1st time in a long while, I decided to publish some facts about those amazing miniature burros (that I copied from "aspirin acres dot com") which I seem to be resembling more & more, plus have a lot in common with nowadays, as follows:

  • Are burros donkeys?
  • Yes, burro is the Spanish name for Ass.  Donkey is the English word for Ass.  Ass is the proper name, but most people use the term donkey or burro.
  • Where did miniature donkeys come from?
  • Miniature donkeys are native to the Mediterranean islands, Sicily and Sardinia.
  • Were miniature donkeys larger donkeys bred down?
  • No.  The miniature donkey is a true breed, and are small and drafty.
  • How tall can miniature donkeys be?
  • Miniature donkeys are 36" and under at the wither.
  • What is a wither?
  • The wither is the top of the shoulder, about where the cross is.
  • What colors are miniature donkeys?
  • The most common color is gray/dun.  Other colors are browns, black, spotted, white and sorrel.
  • How long does a miniature donkey live?
  • With proper conditions it is not rare for a donkey to live to be 35 – 40 years old.
  • What is a jack?
  • A jack is an unaltered male donkey.
  • What is a jenny or jennet?
  • Both terms apply to a female donkey.
  • What is a gelding?
  • A gelding is a castrated jack.
  • What is a foal?
  • A foal is a term for a baby donkey of either sex.
  • Do donkeys bite and kick?
  • Miniature donkeys are very kind, docile, lovable, hugable, easy going animals.  It is rare that a donkey will kick or bite out of viciousness.
  • Would a miniature donkey make a good pet for my children?
  • Donkeys generally love children and seem to be extra careful and kind with them.
  • What sex should I get for a pet?
  • Geldings and jennets make the best pets.  Geldings of course are not as costly as jennets to purchase.
  • How is the donkey market?
  • The market is very strong for quality animals.  There are two markets, the show and breed market and the pet market.
  • Can donkeys be trained?
  • Miniature donkeys are easily trained to pull a cart, pack, show, and small children can ride them as well.
  • Can I have just one?
  • No! Donkeys are very social, develop strong bonds and should never live a life of solitude.  A pair is best, but a horse or pony my also work well.

  • Do Donkeys wear shoes?
  •   Donkeys have very strong hooves, and do not need shoes, but must have their fast growing hooves trimmed about every 6 – 8 weeks.
  • What is worming?
  • Donkeys need to be given a dewormer every 6 – 8 weeks to keep parasite free.  Parasites can cause some serious health problems.
  • Do donkeys need shots?
  • Donkeys should be vaccinated yearly or as often as indicated for Rabies, flu, Rhino, encephalitis and tetanus.  Foals get a series of shots and then begin on the yearly schedule.  Some areas require other vaccines in addition to the above.
  • How often and what feed is recommended?
  • A donkey should have a good, clean, quality hay, grain, mineral salt, and fresh, clean water at least twice daily.
  • How much do they eat?
  • Amounts are determined be the individual.  Generally 2 – 3 flakes of hay, 1 – 2 cups of low protein grain and free choice of fresh water and salt.
  • Does a donkey need a barn?
  • Donkeys need to be able to get in a dry, draft free, well ventilated area as weather conditions demand.  They need shelter from the wind, rain, snow in the winter and sun and flies in the summer.
  • Does a donkey need a pasture?
  • Donkeys need to get exercise, be able to play and run, and get sunshine and fresh air.
  • How old is a jennet when she is bred?
  • Jennets should be three years old before they are bred.
  • Why three years old?
  • Donkeys mature slowly and are not full grown until close to four years of age.
  • You really love what you are doing, don’t you?
  • YES!  I cannot imagine life without them!  They truly are the most affectionate, addicting animal of their kind.  Like potato chips, one is hardly enough!

    How can this be F.I.N.E. fine?

    22 Jul
    You’re probably thinking to yourself ‘where have I heard that before’?
    That’s because Aerosmith seems to think so, as follows:
    "Lip-crackin’ floozy" (quote unquote*);
    "I’m gonna kiss your goo-goo" (quote unquote*);
    "That’s my kinda trash" (quote unquote*);
    Okay, these ones here aren’t that bad:
    "My girl, she’s a bare-back(ed[?]) rider" (quote unquote*)’;
    Now, I’m craving Godiva chocolates. Hee hee hee!!!
    "You’ll wake up with the fleez" (quote unquote*) (did I spell that rite?)
    How could you ever resist these guys?
    *yeahahhh, uttered by none other than Steve Tyler…and all in 1 album!  


    18 Jul
    Jackie Gleason was a voracious reader of books on the paranormal, including The Urantia Book, parapsychology and UFOs. He even had a house built in the shape of a UFO which he named "The Mothership". During the 1950s, he was a semi-regular guest on the paranormal-themed overnight radio show hosted by John Nebel, and wrote the introduction to Donald Bain’s biography of Nebel.
    According to Gleason’s second wife, Beverly McKittrick, he told her that U.S. President Richard Nixon took him on a secret visit to Homestead Air Force Base. There, Gleason allegedly saw an alien spaceship and dead extraterrestrials.
    After his death, his large book collection was donated to the library of the University of Miami.
    "One of these days, Alice… pow, to the moon!"

    Who’s Mary Jane?

    18 Jul

    Toronto marijuana expo to tout health benefits

    (16/07/2010 10:27:50 AM)

    CBC News
    Canada’s first International Medical Marijuana Expo in Toronto hopes to attract people suffering from health problems who are "sick and tired of taking pharmaceutical drugs that have adverse side-effects," says the event’s organizer.

    The event, which is being held in the Metro Toronto Convention Centre this weekend, is labelled as "the first expo promoting the respectable and responsible use of marijuana as medicine."

    The expo’s website says it will feature a number of vendors who are selling products "who specialize in the medicinal use and production of high-quality medical marijuana."

    Marco Renda, who is organizing the expo, said he expects well over 30,000 visitors, including many from the United States and Europe.

    Marijuana will not be available at the expo, although registered medical users are welcome to bring cannabis to smoke in a marijuana vaporization room, he said.

    Vaporization is a process in which hot air is pushed through a chamber containing marijuana. That air is then pushed into a separate chamber, and then inhaled.

    "Vaporization is a way of using cannabis in a healthier mode because there’s no combustion," said Renda, who is a registered grower of marijuana. He is also a registered user of the drug, which he uses to mitigate symptoms of hepatitis C.

    "We’re not trying to promote: ‘Come down to the convention centre and get stoned.’ This isn’t what it’s all about. This is about educating yourself on the benefits of cannabis as medicine."

    More action from government urged

    The medical use of marijuana is permitted in Canada, although there’s a lengthy process involved to obtain the drug from Health Canada.

    People who want to use marijuana legitimately must submit a detailed application for authorization and include two photos. Their doctor must also fill out a medical form that spells out why the applicant’s medical condition satisfies the conditions for an authorization.

    Depending on the nature and severity of the illness, the doctor will be asked to spell out that conventional therapies failed or were medically inappropriate.

    Renda also hopes to boost awareness about medical marijuana.

    "Less than two per cent of the licensed cannabis card holders in Canada actually buy the medicine from the government," he said, adding that many users get the drug from so-called compassion clubs. He said government investment in the growth of medical marijuana is inadequate.

    "There’s only one strain that Health Canada is providing," said Renda, adding there are over 1,600 different strains of marijuana.

    "There isn’t one pill in the pharmacies – so how can one strain of cannabis help with all these various ailments? It can’t. It needs to be treated as a proper herbal medicine."

    As of June 2009, there are just over 4,000 registered medical marijuana users in the country.

    So light(en) up & forget about it

    There’s a pot of gold at the end of every